
2016 Year-End Matching Gift Opportunity: Third Annual Quita Memorial Challenge Grant!

Final update:

QuitaThe final results are in!  Together we raised almost $38,000, blowing past our $30,000 fundraising goal! I am humbled by and grateful for the outpouring of generosity this represents - enough to almost pay for a month's average veterinary costs incurred by our rescue flock of over 500 birds.


We wish you and yours a healthy and happy new year - and if you find yourself thinking about adding a companion animal to your household, we hope you will consider adopting one of our special feathered friends, be it a budgie, a macaw, or someone in between!

December 31, 2016 update:

We have raised almost 90% of our $30,000 fundraising goal.  That's almost enough to pay for 2.5 weeks of our average monthly medical bills,Jasmine or routine vet procedures for 130 birds!  THANK YOU to all of you who have given so far.  That said, there is MORE matching gift funds to be used - and this matching gift challenge ends at midnight TODAY.

Your gifts help birds like Jasmine, a Congo African Grey. Her owner surrendered her to a shelter when they could no longer afford her vet bills.  She plucks and self mutilates both wings, likely due to a avian form of OCD, and hence wears a soft collar to curtail the harm she does to herself. She is very sweet and easy to handle. 

Donate now to help us help birds like Jasmine. Helping us during this Challenge Grant makes your gift go further – while allowing you a year-end tax deduction. Don't let time run out on you! Give online through PayPal, or at Mickaboo's website - use either of the "donate" buttons in the left margin.

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year!

December 30, 2016 update:

QuitaWe are 73% of the way towards our $30,000 fundraising goal! That sum will pay for over two weeks of the average monthly veterinary bills for our flock of 530+ rescued birds.  We cannot say THANK YOU enough to all those who gave.  That said, there is still matching gift funds to be used up in the next TWO days.

Rescue work knows no holidays.  We told you about Chenery, a Wild Flock of Telegraph Hill conure, Roseville 5rescued over Christmas weekend.  We told you about a newly-evicted woman who contacted us this week about her beloved pet budgie. Yet more recently, our volunteers saved these five budgies whose lives were threatened by a family member.

Your financial support allows us to be ready to help birds in these circumstances and more. Helping us during this Challenge Grant makes your gift go further – while allowing you a year-end tax deduction. Give online through PayPal, or at Mickaboo's website - use either of the "donate" buttons in the left margin.

We hope you’ve enjoyed a joyous holiday season and wish you a happy and healthy New Year.

December 29, 2016 update:Chenery

We have raised almost $12,260 towards our $30,000 fundraising goal. WOW! That's almost enough to pay for 1.5 weeks of our average medical bills!  THANK YOU to the many generous souls who have given so far.  That said, there is a LOT of matching gift funds to be used up in the next three days.

Your gifts help birds like Chenery, one of of San Francisco's storied Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. An animal shelter gave him to us this past week when it appeared to them he had a broken wing.  After undergoing xrays, Chenery is resting comfortably in a foster parent's home and is on antibiotics while we await the final diagnosis.  The prelimininary examination indicates something other than a broken wing is afoot.

Help us help birds like Chenery while there's still matching funds available - there's just three days left! Give online through PayPal, or at Mickaboo's website - use either of the "donate" buttons in the left margin.

Thank you all for you do to help those needing our love and care.

December 28, 2016 update:

We have raised almost $2,300 so far towards our $30,000 fundraising goal. That's almost enough to pay for 6 birds' average medical bills - hooray!  That said, there is a LOT of matching gift funds left!  

Your generosity helps us help birds like Snookie, a friendly greencheek conure left at a shelter after his owner was evicted.  There has been a lot of news about the Bay Area's high (and still climbing) housing costs and its effectSnookie on people; there is no less of an effect on their companion animals.  Just yesterday we were contacted by a woman living in her car, reluctantly contemplating surrendering her beloved budgie to Mickaboo out of her concern for the bird's well-being.

Help us be there for the avian caregivers who need us and their birds, who otherwise would be facing a dismal future. Give now, and the Quita Memorial Challenge Grant will match your gift!  Give online through PayPal, or at Mickaboo's website - use either of the "donate" buttons in the left margin.

Thank you all for your generosity, now, in the past, and going forward.  

December 27, 2016 update: 

LexiWe have raised $306 so far towards our $30,000 fundraising goal.  That's a great start - about enough for a basic bird exam with tests.  Let's see how much better we can do today!

Your financial support helps us help birds like Lexi, a cockatiel.  Lexi was left outside the Oakland Animal shelter in a cage with maggots in the bottom and cat food tins for food dishes.  Her tail had been ripped out. Her "before" picture is at the left.

In the two months since she was surrendered to Mickaboo, her beautiful new tail has grown in and is already 2" long!  

Would you help us help birds like Lexi?  Giving during this Challenge Grant helps your gift go further - and giving during these last few days of 2016 gives you a tax deduction!

Give online through PayPal, or at Mickaboo's website - use either of the "donate" buttons in the left margin.

Thank you again for all you do for Mickaboo, now and throughout the year.


The volunteers and birds at Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue want to wish you a peaceful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

In the spirit of the season, an avid supporter has created the Third Annual Quita Memorial Challenge Grant in honor of his beloved parrotlet.  For every $3 donated between now and December 31, midnight PT, the Challenge Grant will contribute $1 until the $10,000 in matching funds are gone.  Give online through PayPal, or at Mickaboo's website - use either of the "donate" buttons in the left margin.

Thanks to your generosity, Mickaboo took in over 260 birds this year and are now caring for more than 530 companion birds of all types, from finches to macaws.  Our foster parents provide a warm and loving environment for each of these intelligent feathered beings while other volunteers find suitable adopters.  (Consider starting your new year by adopting one of our special birds!)


Here is a story about just one of the birds you helped.

Mint’s owner contacted Mickaboo when he found she had Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD).  PBFD is a viral infection without any proven treatment and is fatal to younger birds.  It can be transmitted to other birds through direct contact, through inhalation of feather dust, and through shared use of items like food dishes and perches.  The virus can survive on surfaces for months. Mint’s surrenderer did not want his other birds exposed to PBFD, so he put Mint and her mate outside on his balcony, further jeopardizing the two birds' health.

Mint - at home!We needed to find someone to provide hospice care – one with no other birds and no future plans to keep any birds. We were fortunate to find a volunteer through our partnership with Palomacy.  Mint (and her mate) have a warm, loving home, just in time for the holidays!  The picture at the right shows Mint in her new abode, watched closely by another family member.

Please help us help birds like Mint during this Challenge Grant; doing so now makes your gift go further – while allowing you a year-end tax deduction. 

Watch this space for news about some of the other birds you help, and our fundraising progress, during this Challenge Grant!

Bird Toon of the Day - December 19, 2016

I saved this Bizarro for about a week because I thought it was too funny to hold for a whole year and I didn't want to run it too close to Dan's last entry here.  From December 13, 2015 ... how some turkeys' going undercover to avoid being Thanksgiving dinner backfires:
